This is Maggie. Isn't she just beautiful? She was born on November 16, 2009. She weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. This photo was made when she was just 4 days old. She wasn't suppose to be born by Cesarean section, but she managed to turn herself around a few days before and was breach...so that meant a c-section for Kimmer.
I hurried back home for a few days while Kimberly was still in the hospital and managed to get 40 birth announcements finished for her. I couldn't get them prepared beforehand since they didn't decide on a name until just a couple of days before she was born.

The photo I used for the birth announcement was one that I took when she was just one day old. The one from the hospital when she was dressed to go home was just adorable, and I wish I had used it, but this one is cute too.
Did I mention that she looks JUST like her mama? I'm still hoping that her hair will be red. It's hard to tell right now, because she doesn't have too much hair yet.
I was able to go back to Kimberly's last Sunday and stayed with them through Thanksgiving. I definitely have a thankful heart this year, not only for Maggie Elizabeth, but for all of my family and all of my beautiful grandchildren!
Hope your Thanksgiving was a wonderful day. Thanks so much for stopping by!