Seems as though we just got started on 2016....and here we are at Christmas 2016 already! WHERE does the time go! I've been SO busy since Thanksgiving! There were presents to buy, house to decorate, food to cook, presents to wrap, company coming, baking yet to be done, birthdays galore...and more! I hosted the annual Christmas party for the widows group from my church...we had 16 in attendance. I cooked a great meal for everyone, we played games, wrote Christmas cards to the home bound folks from church, and did a lot of talking and visiting. After 4 hours, I was exhausted!...but a good kind of exhausted ♥
In between all these chores (okay, some of the chores were fun☺), I managed to make a few Christmas cards (which I've yet to address and mail!)...Thought I'd share them with you today. This will be a PHOTO HEAVY post for sure! To view any of the cards larger, just click on the image.
I'd list all the products used for the cards, but you'd still be trying to read through this blog post next week! So....if you have any questions about products or techniques on any of the cards, just click on the envelope at the top of the blog that says contact me, and shoot me an email with your question and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
If you've hung in this're a real trooper! Thanks a $Million!
As always, thanks so much for stopping in. I appreciate your visit...and I appreciate each and every comment!