I can't believe how busy my life is sometimes! I thought I was busy when I was working...but retirement...WHEW! I really stay busy now! I think I might also have a bit of an attention problem too. I have so MANY hobbies that I love, that I tend to flit from one thing to another! Am I the only one that does this?? I love quilting, sewing, scrapbooking, card making, reading, tatting...the list could go on and on! Lately I've also been doing a good bit of volunteering at my church. Vacation Bible School is coming up and there's lots to be done.
Here's some of the boards I made last week for VBS. I cut all the images on my Silhouette Cameo...bearing in mind that the Cameo only cuts a 12 inch wide image....that meant I had to cut all of these in pieces and then piece them together! I've never worked on anything this large, and was scared to death that I'd ruin the boards the church had made for me to make the signs!

To give you a little perspective on how large these boards are...I stood beside them to have my photo made. Seeing a photo of me makes me realize just how "old and fat" I am! LOL!
I've also done a good bit of scrapbooking recently. I scrapbook on 12 x 12 papers. I'm trying to get some of my older photos done so that my children will know more about who their ancestors are. If you want more information on how I made these layouts, I've given descriptions in my gallery at scrapbook.com (here's a link...sgoetter) Here's a bit of what I've done in the last few months....
I've also made a few cards in the last couple of months, but nothing specific for any of the challenges. I miss playing in the challenges, but I just can't seem to get everything done that I want to do!
Thanks so much for stopping by! If you've left me a comment, please know that I sincerely appreciate each and every one! I know this is a photo heavy blog post, but if you've managed to make it through to the end....bless you! Hope to see you again soon!