It's been a couple of months since I posted. I don't know where the time goes! I just finished a week of Vacation Bible School...and boy! is that exhausting! I think we had 450+ people there this week. Busy, exhausting, but a lot of fun! I have had thoughts that maybe I'm getting too old for this!
I wanted to share with you today a group of 12 cards that I've made that will be used as a door prize for a women's conference coming up at my church in September. I tried to get a good variety of cards that could be sent for different occasions.
I also made envelopes for all of the cards and a cute little "purse" to hold them all. I found a tutorial video online that showed me how to make this card purse. are the cards...

I've also managed to get a little scrapbooking done. Here's a couple of my newest layouts.
Photo of my mama on her wedding day...and a copy of the telegram my daddy sent her the day before they were married.
I don't remember my mama ever having long hair...she couldn't stand long hair and always made me keep mine above my this layout is all about her long hair.