As usual, last weekend was jam-packed with activities! We had some of the kids over for dinner Saturday, and then on Sunday, we had a visit from our dear friends, Tim and Terri with their beautiful kids! The skies were clear, there was a nip of fall in the air, and the lighting was perfect for some outdoor photos.
Jacob loves to pose for the camera. It's amazing how fast the kids grow!
Traci and Jacob just clowning around. I love it when I get a funny-face photo!
Allen and Helen Grace peeking out of the window of the "fort" on the gym-set.
My son, Matthew, and his wife, Nichole, and of course, my beautiful little grandchildren, Allen and Helen Grace.

Matthew took this photo of Butch and me. I must admit . . . this is me. I just can't understand why I looks so OLD in pictures! I never look that old when I'm looking in the mirror. Come to think of it, I don't look this heavy in the mirror either...hmmmmm...maybe I should send my camera back and get a new "youthful" lens since it seems that mine is malfunctioning! LOL!!

Then I took some pictures of Tim and his family. They are such a photogenic family...and why wouldn't they be? Tim is one of the best photographers that I know! Whenever we get together, I follow him around with my camera, just hoping that I can absorb some of his awesome photography skills!
I had so much fun on Sunday! After we finished taking photos, we visited for a while, then headed off to Cici's pizza. Excellent day...good memories!
Thanks for stopping by...and until next time...